ULMA Construction – Photo Voter
A SharePoint web part to vote for your favorite photo
The client

ULMA Construction
Formwork, Shoring, Scaffolding, Engineering, Logistics
Oñati, Guipúzcoa
Employees: 2,142
Presence in: 50+ countries
Turnover: €358M
ULMA it is a leading manufacturer and supplier of formwork, shoring and temporary scaffolding systems, providing high performance engineered products and reliable services.

The Application - Photo Voter
The Problem
As part of their social program, ULMA Construction run a yearly photography competition for all their employees.
After submitting their photos, the best are chosen to be included in the short-list for the vote.
Distributing these photos and collecting each person’s vote was troublesome and very time-consuming.
The Solution
As the employees have access to ULMA Contruction’s on-premise SharePoint environment, it was a simple decision to provide a solution on that platform.
An image library in SharePoint provides the perfect place to store the short-listed images. A simple application written in Angular allows the users to browse through the photos with an additional thumbnail view for faster searching, full screen view, a checkbox to vote for your favorite photo and a graph showing the current state of the vote.
The votes are stored in a SharePoint list and the application ensures every user only has one vote, but allows that vote to be changed if they change their mind.
The Angular application is embedded in an SPFx web part using our specialized technology and the version of SPFx compatible with SharePoint 2019.
The web part has several configuration settings allowing the administrator to select the source library of the images, the vote list, maximum height of the images and the texts to show in the application.
This allows the web part to be used multiple times simultaneously, with the possibility of personalizing each instance for whatever image-based voting scenario is required.
Do you have a similar problem?
Do you need an application able to simplify a voting process or view media files in a way not natively supported by SharePoint?
Contact us or email us directly, support@jarmit.com